Community Health Systems

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No more first-baby-of-the-year announcements? I smell HIPAA

So here’s a New-Year’s-Day downer: fewer hospitals will announce the first baby of the year in 2015. The stated reason: fear over kidnapping and identity theft. But read the article and see if you can’t find evidence of the irrational HIPAA-generated fear culture that lurks in modern healthcare. The article dutifully states that safety concerns […]

Report: Healthcare data breaches could cost $5.6 billion next year

On the heals of a year fraught with high-profile data breaches, the risk is now greater than ever, and within healthcare, the threat is “persistent and growing” and could reach $5.6 billion next year, according to a report from Experian. It’s not hard to figure out why – an explosion of data and the realization that personal […]

Healthcare hackers see increasing profit in stealing patient data

At this point, data breaches at health systems are not a new issue, but news of Community Health System’s breach was striking not just for its sheer size, but because it demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the value of patient data in the global marketplace. That’s according to John Gomez, CEO of sensato, a HIT software company based in […]

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Obama hails bill averting doc pay cut… for now (Morning Read)

The U.S. House gave final approval on Thursday to a bill that would avert a 25 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors by freezing reimbursement rates at current levels until the end of next year, reports the New York Times. President Obama, who hailed the nearly unanimous action by Congress, promised to sign the legislation.